Mob Lynching in Tripura: Are Supreme Court Guidelines Being Followed?

By Pankaj Debbarma

July 14, 2024

Mob lynching, a deeply troubling form of collective violence, has come to the forefront in Tripura with the tragic case of 17-year-old Parameshwar Reang. Defined under the Bhartiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS), mob lynching involves acts of murder or grievous harm committed by five or more individuals on specific grounds, including race, caste, sex, language, or personal belief. Section 103 of the BNS outlines severe penalties for such actions, mandating life imprisonment or even the death penalty for those involved. This legal framework aims to tackle the alarming rise of mob violence across the country.

Parameshwar Reang, a promising student ready to embark on his college journey, was brutally beaten and electrocuted by a mob during the Ananda Mela fair in Gondatwisa. This violent incident was triggered when he intervened to protect a mentally disabled boy being harassed for mimicking political figures. Tragically, his act of bravery led to an immediate and violent retaliation from the crowd, resulting in Parameshwar’s untimely death. The lack of security at the fair raises serious concerns about the administration’s negligence. This incident not only underscores the fragility of life in the face of mob mentality against a vulnerable individual but also exposes the underlying communal tensions in the region, particularly during the sensitive period of the Panchayat elections.

Supreme Court Guidelines on Mob Lynching

In response to the rising tide of mob lynching, the Supreme Court of India, in the landmark case of Tehseen S. Poonawala v. Union of India, established comprehensive guidelines aimed at curbing such violence. These guidelines include several key measures. Each district is required to appoint a senior police officer, not below the rank of Superintendent of Police, as a nodal officer tasked with monitoring and preventing mob violence. This officer plays a crucial role in gathering intelligence and coordinating preventive strategies.

Additionally, the guidelines emphasize the need for regular intelligence gathering to identify areas susceptible to mob violence and conducting public awareness campaigns to inform citizens about the serious legal repercussions of participating in mob lynching. These initiatives are essential for fostering a culture of accountability and vigilance within communities.

The lynching of Parameshwar Reang necessitates a thorough examination of Tripura’s adherence to these Supreme Court directives. The appointment of nodal officers is critical, yet it is essential to assess whether Tripura has effectively implemented this mandate. The role of these officers in gathering intelligence and coordinating preventive measures is paramount in addressing the root causes of mob violence.

Regular intelligence gathering and public awareness campaigns are also vital in preventing such tragedies. It remains to be seen whether Tripura has conducted sufficient campaigns to inform the public about the severe legal consequences of mob violence.

In the case of Parameshwar Reang, the immediate registration of FIRs is a crucial step outlined in the Supreme Court guidelines. Reports indicate that the police have registered an FIR and apprehended a few suspects; however, the section under which the FIR has been registered and the effectiveness of the compensation scheme for the victim’s family require further evaluation. Ensuring timely compensation can play a significant role in providing support to the grieving family and restoring their sense of justice.

One of the critical components of the Supreme Court’s guidelines is the emphasis on swift trials for mob lynching cases, ideally concluding within six months. The establishment of designated courts to handle such cases is essential for ensuring justice is served promptly. The progress of the trial in Parameshwar Reang’s case will serve as a crucial indicator of Tripura’s commitment to upholding the rule of law and ensuring accountability for those involved in mob violence.

The Supreme Court’s guidelines also call for strict disciplinary actions against police or administrative officials who fail to prevent mob violence. The response of the Tripura government in holding accountable any officials who may have shown negligence in this case will be a significant factor in demonstrating the state’s commitment to justice and preventing future occurrences of mob lynching.

A Call to Action

The tragic lynching of Parameshwar Reang serves as a grim reminder of the profound impact mob mentality can have on society. While the Supreme Court has provided a robust framework to address these issues, the effectiveness of these measures in Tripura is yet to be fully realized. This incident underscores the urgent need for a comprehensive review of the state’s adherence to the Supreme Court’s guidelines.

If Tripura has not fully implemented these guidelines, the heartbreaking incident involving Parameshwar Reang should serve as a clarion call for immediate action. It is crucial for the state to ensure strict compliance with the Supreme Court’s directives to prevent such heinous crimes in the future and to uphold the principles of justice and rule of law.

The tragic death of Parameshwar Reang underscores the urgent need for Tripura to earnestly implement the Supreme Court’s guidelines on mob lynching. It is imperative that the state prioritizes the appointment of nodal officers, engages in regular intelligence gathering, and launches comprehensive public awareness campaigns. Additionally, ensuring the immediate registration of FIRs, providing adequate compensation to the grieving families, and expediting the judicial process are crucial steps that must be taken. Only through steadfast commitment to these guidelines can Tripura hope to prevent such heartbreaking incidents in the future and achieve justice for the victims of mob violence. Beginning with justice for Parameshwar Reang and also recognizing his bravery posthumously, perhaps by awarding him the National Bravery Award, would be a meaningful step toward restoring faith in the system.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of

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