Dazzling in Pink

By Pankaj Debbarma

December 9, 2023

When faced with the spectacle of Ranveer Singh and his eclectic wardrobe choices, the first thing that pops into my mind is a delightful concoction of confusion and admiration. It’s like trying to decipher a modern art masterpiece—you’re not sure if it’s brilliant or if someone accidentally spilled a palette of colours.

Now, the interpretation of Ranveer’s sartorial symphony is as subjective as a Rorschach test*. Some might label him as an eccentric attention magnet, while others could hail him as the fearless maestro of fashion, boldly dancing through a rainbow of hues.

In my personal fashion memory lane, Ranveer Singh stirs up nostalgia for my dear paternal uncle, the rebel of the family fashion saga. Picture this: a job interview in Agartala, circa the late ’90s, and there he was, the youngest maverick, donned in a pink t-shirt. Now, that’s not just a colour choice; it’s a statement, a bold brushstroke in the dull canvas of conformity.

Flashback to the morning of the interview, and my father, the bureaucrat extraordinaire, nearly lost his composure. “Colour Babu,” he exclaimed, a title bestowed upon my uncle in that very moment. The lecture that followed was a masterpiece in itself—a passionate plea for sobriety and formality, especially when dealing with the solemnity of government offices.

We chuckled at the “Colour Babu” saga, but as I waltzed through the dance of growing up, a profound truth hit me. We often succumb to the gravitational pull of societal norms, trading our vibrant, expressive selves for the safety of bland conformity.

In retrospect, my uncle emerges not just as a rebel in pink but as a superhero of individuality, bravely navigating the treacherous waters of expectation. So, here’s to the Ranveers and the “Colour Babus” of the world—may their hues always shine a little brighter in the dull palette of conformity!


*The Rorschach test is a psychological test that uses inkblots to gain insight into a person’s thoughts, emotions, and personality. The test involves showing a series of abstract inkblot images to a person and asking them what each one looks like or reminds them of. The responses are then analysed to explore the individual’s perceptions, imagination, and underlying thought processes.

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